SANDY DRY, the "multi-sensory" film with a rough sandy effect...


SANDY DRY, the "multi-sensory" film with a rough sandy effect...

Sandy Dry is the new polypropylene film for thermal lamination. It creates new sensorial experiences, particularly for those clients who are looking for new attractive ways to communicate.

This film is characterized by a matt finish and a finely rough and "sandy" texture that catches the eye and is well perceivable to the touch. In addition, it offers several practical and interesting advantages.

The matt finish protects the printed paper from scratches, by making the print more resistant and long-lasting, in order to guarantee extra protection and long life to the printed and laminated jobs.

It is suitable for further processing such as hot stamping and spot UV coating.

Compared to screen printing varnishes, it behaves better in terms of curling.

It is glueable, stampable and printable by traditional offset with oxidative inks (specifically for non-porous materials). Tests are always recommended before futher processing.

From an optical perspective this film offers a sensational tactile sandy effect and enhances color.

Applications: hard and soft book covers, luxury packaging, product brochure, cases, business cards, luxury folding cartons (perfumes, jewels, liquors and shopping bags).


Product Code: 

SND050 - Sandy Dry